Water Around the House

Water Around the House

While baths and pools are the most risky areas for drowning in the home, they are not the only ones. Drowning can occur in only 1 inch of water - that means kiddy pools, mop buckets, animal troughs, bird baths, even the toilet bowl poses a threat. Open your eyes to the hidden risks in your house and keep your home a safe place for your family.

Drowning can occur in only 1 inch of water - learn to identify the risks in your home.

Action You Can Take:

Identify water safety hazards around your home. Click here to identify common hazards.

Learn CPR. Click here to find an American Red Cross CPR class in your community.

Download this card to remind you about water safety in the house.

Learn More:

Home safety

American Academy of Pediatrics Toolkit

Minorities drown at much higher rates, watch this film to learn more, then enroll in swim classes.

Water Safety Task Force Metro Chicago does not endorse or guarantee the quality of any swim classes and does not accept any liability related to poor instruction, injury or death which may occur from any of the resources listed on these pages. 

Sarah Moon